How Graphics Designing became the Multibillion Dollar Industry?

Did you ever think that learning Photoshop or Illustrator professionally could get you a desk at the multibillion-dollar chain of designing? Digital marketing and social media have made graphics designing the most wanted career option. Graphic designers create posters, banners, adverts, logos, social media campaigns, website graphics and etc. Some also work in the offline media and print media world.

Over 45% more youth opt for a graphics and web design course every year. This annual growth rate is a direct indicator of the success that this industry is capable of.

Why is designing so successful?

graphic-designer omage
Source: Google

Just go out on the streets and take a look around. You’re surrounded by advertisements and banners which are the product of designers and their work. Go on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or any other social media. All the adverts and pop up advertisements get curated by none other than graphic designers.

The visual form of communication has a wider reach than textual format. Therefore, companies always try to come up with trendy and eye-catching ideas for their brand endorsements. This is where the designers come into the picture.

In the world where we rely on the internet for every small and big information, graphic designers act as the medium of communication. Graphic designers are the artists who convey the message of a brand or service via their posts. These can be commercial, infomercial; offers, public notice and etc. designing professionals also play a very big role in the designing of logos of companies. The logo is the brand identity for any business. That is on the shoulders of a graphic designer.

Career as a graphics designer

career in graphic design
Source: Google

Graphic designers can work in various sectors. It depends upon the personal choice of the individual that where they want to work. Here are a couple of the places where one can seek employment after completing their graphics design courses:

  • Marketing companies
  • IT firms
  • Website designing and development company
  • Consumer brand
  • Print media
  • Online websites
  • Product based company (soap, face wash, phone, appliances)
  • Freelance
  • Teach at an institute
  • Assist a creator (Youtubers, digital content creators )
  • Films/ TV shows/ web series/ Independent films
  • Production Studios and etc

These are some of the most popular choices one can opt from. There is no shortage of career paths in this field.

How did it become a multibillion-dollar industry?

The main question should be– Why are you shocked by this? Seeing the demand and necessity of graphics designer in every possible sector, it is pretty natural for this industry to witness so much growth.

In the early 21st century, globalization had reached its peak and created a summonable environment. The rapid mixture of western cultures in forms of entertainment, food and lifestyle was making its way into the third world nations. India being a developing country was a part of that too.  With more infomercials entering the nation, India required a lot more of creators to advertise. As a result of which, the design industry boomed with success.

Another reason for such a tremendous growth is the entrepreneurial angle of this career. As mentioned earlier, one can work as a freelance artist or start creating his own content. Many decide to start a graphic design company after learning the skill professionally too. It gives the youth a platform to utilize their artistic skills and make a successful living out of it.

Who would have thought that taking that course could shape your life in so many wonderful ways?

Stay creative and always be curious!

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