What is stop motion animation and some software to create it?

What is Stop motion Animation?

Stop motion
Stop motion

Stop motion is a technique in animated filmmaking in which objects are physically manipulated in small intervals between individually shot frames so that when the sequence in frames is played back, they can appear to show autonomous motion or change.

As a result, any form of an object may be animated, but most widely used are puppets with movable joints (puppet animation) or plasticize figures (Claymation). Model animation uses marionettes, models, or clay figures constructed around an armature.

Stop motion animation has been quite popular among people for many years. Earlier, it was the only form of legitimate animation because the fluid movement was a thing of the future. Even in the age of 3D animation, stop motion has been able to keep some its old fan base intact.

It is relevant to the point that even today any animation course you choose would teach this skill.

What stop motion creation have we seen?

'Shaun the Sheep'
Shaun the Sheep

A very popular kids’ show which uses stop motion is ‘Shaun the Sheep’. The show has been popular for years and gotten very high ratings. In fact, if you enroll in any kind of best course in animation, you are ought to find that they talk about all the classics and animated films.

Another very popular stop motion creation to exist is ‘Thomas and his friends’. This cartoon show is a cult favorite. People of all age groups across the whole globe loved this show. The intricate use of stop motion was quite simple but the storytelling took a lot of attention.

A lot of original web shows on streaming platforms also create these sop motion graphics for shows and also animated features.

Software used to create stop motion

Stop motion software
Stop motion software

Stop motion does not require animators to use any separate kind of software which they cannot use otherwise for other editing. Since the concept is heavily relied on using still images, most editing software is sufficient for making 3D animation.

It is still suggested to learn it from a professional institute and get a fully-fledged B.Sc degree in Animation.

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Filmora Pro
  • Stop Motion Pro Eclipse: This software is excellent for creating high quality and definition worthy stop motion.
  • Dragon Frame
  • iStop Motion from Boinx
  • Monkey Jam

These are some off the most resourceful software which one can use or create authentic and high-end stop motion.

Hi-Tech Animation
Hi-Tech Animation

Moople- Institute of Animation and Design offers an excellently progressive 3D Animation degree course which encapsulates Stop Motion as one of the key modules. This course is affiliated to MAKAUT (WBUT) and has 100% placement assistance. The best students get placed in Moople’s studio itself.

You might get to create your own stop motion projects after completing this degree.

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